Recueil de Cent Estampes Representant Differentes Nations du Levant Front Page


Recueil de Cent Estampes Representant Differentes Nations du Levant Front Page. Describes the clothing styles of people in the Levant/ Middle East. Size is 12X19 inches. With the frame it is 13X20 inches. Highly decorative and extremely rare. Provenance: Formally owned by James W. Spain, who was an American ambassador. Biography taken from Wikipedia. Org. […]

Large Drawing Antique Back Front Artist French Pierre Duteurtre Dut BM53.1


Male portrait on the front and nudes on the back, probably a study made in his youth inspired by an ancient painting. These are most likely works created at a young age such as exercises and studies. Brief biography of the artist: Pierre Eugène Duteurtre known as DUT was born in 1911 in Deuil-la-Barre (Val-d’Oise, […]